Tag: Nickelodeon

  • Nickelodeon Draft

    Here are the metrics we used for the Nickelodeon Draft.

    1 – Live From Universal Studios
    Your score for this metric is based on this scale:
    Live Action Dramas score 4 points
    Live Action Game Shows score 3 points
    Live Action Variety Shows score 2 Points
    Live Action Comedies score 1 point

    Total points earned by all live shows on your team, with the most points being the goal.

    2 – Xennial Classics
    Your score is the year a show on your team aired on Nickelodeon, with goal being the oldest show.
    Paired with Metric 3

    3 – Alpha Originals
    YOur score is the year a show on your team aired on Nickelodeon, with the goal being the most recent show.
    Paired with Metric 2
    NOTE: Ties for Metrics 2 and 3 will be broken by Year, then Month/Day, and then Scrabble if needed.

    4 – Punctuation Domination
    Your score is the total number of punctuation marks included in the official titles of all shows on your team, with the highest being worth more points.

    5 – You Know… For Teens!
    Your score is the total amount of shows on your team that aired during the SNICK programming block at any time.

    6 – A Million Episodes Later…
    Your score is the total amount of episodes across all shows on your team, with the most episodes being the goal.
    Paire with Metric 7

    7 – Down to Bikini Bottom
    Your score is the total amount of episodes across all shows on your team, with the least episodes being the goal.
    Paired with Metric 6
    NOTE: For acquired programing, only the episodes produced for Nickelodeon count towards this metric, with few exceptions.

    8 – Spinwheel
    Your score for this metric is based on this scale:
    For each Movie adaptation or spin-off series, add one point.
    Most points is the goal.

    9 – We covered it in slime, now its OURS
    YOur score is the total amount of acquired programs on your team with the most being the goal.

    10 – THE BLIMP
    Your score is the IMDb viewer rating for one show on your team, with the highest being the goal.