Here are the metrics we used for the Nickelodeon Draft.
1 – Live From Universal Studios
Your score for this metric is based on this scale:
Live Action Dramas score 4 points
Live Action Game Shows score 3 points
Live Action Variety Shows score 2 Points
Live Action Comedies score 1 point
Total points earned by all live shows on your team, with the most points being the goal.
2 – Xennial Classics
Your score is the year a show on your team aired on Nickelodeon, with goal being the oldest show.
Paired with Metric 3
3 – Alpha Originals
YOur score is the year a show on your team aired on Nickelodeon, with the goal being the most recent show.
Paired with Metric 2
NOTE: Ties for Metrics 2 and 3 will be broken by Year, then Month/Day, and then Scrabble if needed.
4 – Punctuation Domination
Your score is the total number of punctuation marks included in the official titles of all shows on your team, with the highest being worth more points.
5 – You Know… For Teens!
Your score is the total amount of shows on your team that aired during the SNICK programming block at any time.
6 – A Million Episodes Later…
Your score is the total amount of episodes across all shows on your team, with the most episodes being the goal.
Paire with Metric 7
7 – Down to Bikini Bottom
Your score is the total amount of episodes across all shows on your team, with the least episodes being the goal.
Paired with Metric 6
NOTE: For acquired programing, only the episodes produced for Nickelodeon count towards this metric, with few exceptions.
8 – Spinwheel
Your score for this metric is based on this scale:
For each Movie adaptation or spin-off series, add one point.
Most points is the goal.
9 – We covered it in slime, now its OURS
YOur score is the total amount of acquired programs on your team with the most being the goal.
Your score is the IMDb viewer rating for one show on your team, with the highest being the goal.